Tallest Trees In The World: Oldest, Biggest Living Trees

Tallest Trees In The World

Let’s explore the Top 10 Tallest Trees in the World. We’ll travel from the stunning redwoods in California to the far-off forests in Tasmania, discovering these incredible giants that reach the sky. Come along as we learn the fascinating stories and impressive heights of these majestic trees. Get ready for an exciting journey into the world of the tallest and most awesome trees on our planet.

Which Is The Tallest Tree In The World?

The tallest tree in the world is Hyperion, a coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) located in Redwood National Park, California, United States. Hyperion stands at an impressive height of 116.07 meters (380.8 feet), making it the tallest reliably-measured tree on record.

Top 10 Tallest Trees In The World

RankNameHeight m (ft)Location
1Hyperion116.07 m (380.8 ft)California, USA
2Menara100.8 m (331 ft)Borneo, Malaysia
3Centurion100.5 m (329.7 ft)Tasmania, Australia
4Doerner Fir100 m (327 ft)Oregon, USA
5Raven’s Tower96.7 m (317 ft)California, USA
6Unnamed Giant Sequoia95.7 m (313.9 ft)California, USA
7White Knight91 m (299 ft)Tasmania, Australia
8Neeminah Loggorale Meena90.7 m (297.5 ft)Tasmania, Australia
9Unnamed Alpine Ash87.9 m (288.3 ft)Tasmania, Australia
10King Stringy86 m (282.1 ft)Tasmania, Australia
Top 10 Tallest Trees In The World

1. Hyperion Tree

Tallest Trees In The World
Hyperion Tree
  • Name: Hyperion
  • Height: 116.07 m (380.8 ft)
  • Location: California, USA
  • Age: 700-800 Years
  • First Discovered: 2006
  • Specie: Sequoia sempervirens

The Hyperion is the largest under the list of top 10 tallest trees in the world. It is the world’s talles tree in California’s Redwood National Park. Discovered in 2006 by Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor, it’s super tall at 115.92 meters. Stephen Sillett checked and said it’s 115.55 meters high. In 2019, measured at 116.07 meters. Hyperion is old, between 600 and 800 years, and has a lot of wood—530 cubic meters.

We are still determining exactly where it is, but you can find it online. In July 2022, the area around Hyperion was closed because visitors were hurting the place. If you get too close now, you might go to jail for six months and pay a $5,000 fine. Some researchers think woodpeckers at the top stopped it from growing even taller.

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2. Menara Tree

Tallest Trees In The World
Menara Tree
  • Name: Menara
  • Height: 100.8 m (331 feet)
  • Location: Borneo, Malaysia
  • Age: Not Known
  • First Discovered: 2018
  • Specie: Shorea faguetiana

The Menara tree, named after the Malay word for “tower,” is a huge rainforest tree that used to be the tallest in Asia! It’s a giant at 100.8 meters (331 feet), towering over the jungle like a skyscraper. Discovered in 2018 in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, it’s a yellow meranti tree, a symbol of the rainforest’s beauty and diverse life. Scientists think Menara might be close to the tallest a flowering plant can grow on Earth.

While a taller Himalayan cypress was discovered in China in 2023, Menara’s legacy lives on. It stands as a reminder of the importance of protecting these ancient giants and the precious ecosystems they call home. The next time you imagine a towering rainforest, picture Menara, the magnificent tree that once held the crown of Asia’s tallest. 

3. Centurion Tree

Tallest Trees In The World
Centurion Tree
  • Name: Centurion
  • Height: 100.5 m (329.7 ft)
  • Location: Tasmanian, Australia
  • Age: 400 years
  • First Discovered: 2008
  • Specie: Eucalyptus regnans

In the Tasmanian wilderness stands Centurion, a big Eucalyptus tree named for being the 100th tall tree found by lasers. It’s the king of the Southern Hemisphere, reaching 100.5 meters—taller than a football field! Around 400 years old, Centurion has seen lots of years, with roots deep in really old Earth. Its strong trunk, covered in peeling bark, holds stories of wind, rain, sun, and snow.

Centurion isn’t just from the past; it’s a symbol of strength and hope. It survived fires and cutting, standing tall as nature’s power. Its green leaves invite birds and animals. Now, Centurion is a protected treasure, reminding us to save our old forests and the amazing life they have. Next time you look at stars, think of Centurion, the tall guardian of Tasmanian wilderness with its timeless story.

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4. Doerner Fir Tree

Tallest Trees In The World
Doerner Fir Tree
  • Name: Doerner Fir
  • Height: 100 m (327 ft)
  • Location: Oregon, USA
  • Age: 350-400 years
  • First Discovered: 1989
  • Specie: Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii

Once the world’s tallest non-redwood tree at 327 feet, the Doerner Fir is nestled in the Coos County forest. Its fame faded in 2008 when a taller mountain ash was found in Tasmania. Discovered in Malaysian Borneo in 2019. The trail to Doerner Fir is challenging, with winding roads, but it is better than expected. 

The trailhead has basic facilities like a vault toilet and a picnic table. Discovered in 1989, the Doerner Fir continues to grow in girth despite its top part being dead. The tree’s future height remains uncertain, and when the dead part breaks off, the record may pass to another Douglas-fir.

5. Raven’s Tower Tree

Tallest Trees In The World
Raven’s Tower Tree
  • Name: Raven’s Tower
  • Height: 96.7 m (317 ft)
  • Location: California, USA
  • Age: 400-500 years
  • First Discovered: 2001
  • Specie: Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis)

In Redwood National Park, California, lives Raven’s Tower, a huge Coast Redwood reaching 317 feet—almost as tall as a skyscraper! Unlike other redwoods, it has a mysterious look with dark bark. Moss and lichen cover its trunk like a green and gray cloak. Raven’s Tower stands like a wise wizard, guarding smaller trees with its mossy beard.

Raven’s Tower, despite its dark look, is a symbol of strength. It faced many storms and stood tall for centuries. Deep roots anchor it against strong winds, and branches reach for the sky, welcoming the California sunshine. Visiting is like entering a fairytale with sunlight filtering through trees, birds chirping, and a feeling of ancient wisdom beneath Raven’s Tower.

6. Unnamed Giant Sequoia Tree

Tallest Trees In The World
Unnamed Giant Sequoia Tree
  • Name: Unnamed Giant Sequoia
  • Height: 95.7 m (313.9 ft)
  • Location: California, USA
  • Age: 3000 years
  • First Discovered: 1833
  • Specie: Sequoiadendron giganteum

Giant sequoias usually grow to about 90 meters. Still, a special one in Sequoia National Forest goes even higher, reaching an amazing 95.7 meters. You should put Sequoia National Forest on your California bucket list if you love tall trees. That’s where you can find this extraordinary giant sequoia.

These sequoias in North America aren’t just tall. Still, some of the widest trees on Earth, measuring up to 7 meters around—you have to see it to believe it! Imagine trees with such a big girth. If we were measuring trees by volume, General Sherman, a giant sequoia with a diameter of 7.7 meters, would be at the top of the list. It has a volume of 1,487 cubic meters! That’s how huge and impressive these trees can be.

7. White Knight Tree

White Knight Tree
White Knight Tree
  • Name: White Knight
  • Height: 91 m (299 ft)
  • Location: Tasmania, Australia
  • Age: Not Known
  • First Discovered: 1970
  • Specie: Philodendron erubescens

In the Evercreech Forest Reserve in Tasmania, Australia, a remarkable group of manna gums, specifically the Eucalyptus viminalis species. Standing tall at about 300 years old, these trees are quite extraordinary. Among them, the tallest one is a majestic giant named White Knight, reaching an impressive height of 91 meters.

Unlike some other tall trees, White Knight’s location isn’t a secret. It’s a well-known local landmark near Mathinna town, attracting many sightseers. This towering giant stands proudly in the Evercreech Forest Reserve, adding to the natural beauty of the Tasmanian landscape and captivating the admiration of those who come to witness its grandeur.

8. Neeminah Loggorale Meena Tree

Neeminah Loggorale Meena Tree
Neeminah Loggorale Meena Tree
  • Name: Neeminah Loggorale Meena
  • Height: 90.7 m (297.5 ft)
  • Location: Tasmania, Australia
  • Age: Not Known
  • First Discovered: 2006
  • Specie: Eucalyptus globulus

In Tasmania, Australia, Neeminah Loggorale Meena proudly claims the title of Earth’s tallest known blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus). Its unique and notably long name carries a special meaning, translating to “mother and daughter” in the Aboriginal language.

This giant tree stands prominently in a clear-cut area, showcasing its exceptional height and significance. Fortunately, local conservation laws come to the tree’s rescue. Timber Tasmania, previously known as Forestry Tasmania, adheres to regulations that spare any tree towering above 85 meters from being cut down. This protective measure ensures the preservation of Neeminah Loggorale Meena, allowing it to stand as a natural marvel in Tasmania’s landscape.

9. Unnamed Alpine Ash Tree

Unnamed Alpine Ash Tree
Unnamed Alpine Ash Tree
  • Name: Unnamed Alpine Ash
  • Height: 87.9 m (288.3 ft)
  • Location: Tasmania, Australia
  • Age: Not Known
  • First Discovered: 2014
  • Specie: Not Known

In the wilderness of Tasmania, Australia, the Florentine Valley stands out for its remote old-growth forest, housing remarkable Alpine ash trees, scientifically known as Eucalyptus delegatensis. Among these impressive giants, the most significant remains unnamed, yet its stature has been measured at an astonishing height of 87.9 meters.

The Florentine Valley is a haven for nature enthusiasts and tree admirers, offering a glimpse into the awe-inspiring world of towering Alpine ash trees. The untamed beauty of this Tasmanian landscape showcases the resilience and grandeur of these trees, contributing to the rich biodiversity and natural wonders found in this unique corner of the world.

 10. King Stringy Tree

 King Stringy Tree
 King Stringy Tree
  • Name: King Stringy
  • Height: 86 m (282.1 ft)
  • Location: Tasmania, Australia
  • Age: Not Known
  • First Discovered: Not Known
  • Specie: Eucalyptus obliqua

In Tasmania, Australia, the Brown Top Stringybark stands tall, and among its remarkable representatives is the aptly named King Stringy. This majestic tree, reaching a towering height of 86 meters, proudly holds the title of the tallest brown top stringybark (Eucalyptus obliqua) globally.

King Stringy’s impressive stature is a testament to the strength and resilience of the brown top stringybark species. These trees, known for their robust nature, are easily recognizable by their thick and stringy bark, which gracefully peels off the tree. Despite being the final entry on this list of the ten tallest trees, King Stringy rightfully wears its crown, showcasing the natural wonders found in Tasmania’s diverse and captivating landscapes.

List of World’s Tallest Living Trees By Species

RankSpeciesHeight (Meters)Height (Feet)Tree NameClassLocationContinent
1Coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)116.07380.8HyperionConiferRedwood National Park, California, United StatesWestern North America
2Himalayan cypress (Cupressus torulosa)102.3336ConiferYarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, Bomê County, Tibet Autonomous Region, ChinaEast Asia
3Yellow meranti (Shorea faguetiana)100.8331MenaraFlowering PlantDanum Valley Conservation Area, Sabah, Malaysia on Borneo islandSoutheast Asia
4Mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans)100.5329.7CenturionFlowering PlantArve Valley, Tasmania, AustraliaSoutheastern Australia
5Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis)100.2329ConiferPrairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California, United StatesWestern North America
6Coast Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii)99.7327Doerner FirConiferBrummit Creek, Coos County, Oregon, United StatesWestern North America
7Giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum)96.3316ConiferSequoia National Forest, California, United StatesWestern North America
8Southern blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus)90.7298Neeminah Loggerale MeenaFlowering PlantTasmaniaSoutheastern Australia
9Noble Fir (Abies procera)89.9295ConiferGoat Marsh Research Natural Area, Washington, United StatesWestern North America
10Manna gum (Eucalyptus viminalis)89.0292.0White KnightFlowering PlantEvercreech Forest Reserve, TasmaniaSoutheastern Australia
11Dinizia excelsa88.5290Flowering PlantNear the boundary of Amapa and Para states, BrazilCentral-Northeastern South America
12Brown top stringbark (Eucalyptus obliqua)88.5290Princess PicabellaFlowering PlantTasmaniaSoutheastern Australia
13Alpine ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis)87.9288Flowering PlantTasmaniaSoutheastern Australia
14Mengaris (Koompassia excelsa)85.76281.4Pontiankak Putih CantikFlowering PlantTawau Hills National Park, in Sabah on the island of BorneoSoutheast Asia
15Mountain Grey Gum (Eucalyptus cypellocarpa)85.0278.9Flowering PlantVictoriaSoutheastern Australia
16Karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor)85.00278.9Stewart KarriFlowering PlantWestern AustraliaSouth Western Australia
17Shorea argentifolia84.85278.4Flowering PlantGaharu ridge of Tawau Hills National Park, in Sabah on the island of BorneoSoutheast Asia
18Shorea superba84.41276.9Flowering PlantGergassi Ridge of Tawau Hills National Park, in Sabah on the island of BorneoSoutheast Asia
19Shining gum (Eucalyptus nitens)84.3277Flowering PlantO’Shannassy Catchment, VictoriaSoutheastern Australia
20Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides)84.1276ConiferNorth-central TaiwanEast Asia
21Sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana)83.45273.8ConiferNear Yosemite National Park, California, United StatesWestern North America
22Abies chensiensis var. salouenensis83.4274ConiferZayü County, Tibet Autonomous Region, ChinaEast Asia
23Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla)83.34273.4TsunamiConiferPrairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California, United StatesWestern North America
24Hopea nutans82.82271.7Flowering PlantGaharu ridge of Tawau Hills National Park, in Sabah on the island of BorneoSoutheast Asia
25Shorea johorensis82.39270.3Flowering PlantCoco-Park boundary of Tawau Hills National Park, in Sabah on the island of BorneoSoutheast Asia
26Shorea smithiana82.27269.9Flowering PlantCoco-Park boundary of Tawau Hills National Park, in Sabah on the island of BorneoSoutheast Asia
27Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)81.77268.3PhalanxConiferIn Myers Creek drainage of Rogue River – Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon, United StatesWestern North America
28Entandrophragma excelsum81.5267Flowering PlantAt Kilimanjaro, TanzaniaEastern Africa
29Sydney blue gum (Eucalyptus saligna)81.5267Flowering PlantWoodbush State Forest, Magoebaskloof, Limpopo, South Africa. The world’s tallest planted tree.Southern Africa (non-native), but endemic to eastern Australia)
30Grand fir (Abies grandis)81.4267ConiferIn the Glacier Peak Wilderness, Washington, United StatesWestern North America
31Shorea gibbosa81.11266.1Flowering PlantRiver Flats of Tawau Hills National Park, in Sabah on the island of BorneoSoutheast Asia
32Lawson cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)81.08266.0ConiferIn Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, California, United StatesWestern North America

What Is The Maximum Tree Growth?

Two opposing forces influence a tree’s height: one propels it upward, while the other restrains its growth. Biologists, led by George Koch from Northern Arizona University, studied coast redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) to determine the theoretical maximum tree height. They concluded that the point at which these forces balance, and a tree ceases to grow, falls between 122 and 130 meters (400 and 426 feet). 

The desire for sunlight prompts trees to grow tall, but gravity poses a challenge, making it difficult to transport water from roots to canopy as the tree increases in height. Despite a moist ground below, leaves at the treetops struggle for water, creating a perpetual drought-like condition. Similar height estimation models have been applied to Coast Douglas-fir trees, yielding a range of 109–138 meters (357–452 feet), which encompasses the height of the tallest historically measured specimen, a 126-meter tree.


How tall is the Hyperion tree?

The Hyperion stand at the impressive 116.07 m (380.8 ft).

What is the tallest tree alive?

The Hyperion tree in California Redwood National Park is the tallest living tree.

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